Damian Flanagan Title: Damian Flanagan
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Biography and Links
Damian Flanagan read English Literature at Cambridge University in the UK, then did an MA and PhD in Japanese Literature at Kobe University. 

As well as authoring or co-authoring eight books on Japanese literature, Damian's  articles on
the arts, property, Japanese politics and society have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers  including The Sunday Times, The Times Literary Supplement, The Irish Times, Newsweek, The Japan Times,The Mainichi, The Asahi Shinbun and the Nihon Keizai Shinbun.
He is currently writing articles for newspapers and is working on a book about Victoria Park in Manchester and divides his time between his home in England  and a house in Nishinomiya, Japan.

Damian Flanagan

| Links and contact information |

To contact Damian flanagan please use this email address:


Misuzu - caligrapher

Misuzu Kosaka

Click here for a page devoted to the esteemed calligrapher Misuzu Kosaka.

Here are two other external links:

Misuzu Kosaka's official website.

Link to the original caligraphy used on the covers of 'The Tower of London', 'The Gate' and 'Botchan'.
thehirelingshepherd Manchester Art Gallery

Manchester Art Gallery houses one of the UK's finest art collections in spectacular surroundings.

The fine art collection is made up over 2,000 oil paintings, 3,000 watercolours and drawings, 250 sculptures, 90 miniatures and around 1,000 prints. 

The collection is particularly exceptional for its 19th century British paintings in both oil and watercolour. Most major figures are represented, with outstanding pictures by the great Pre-Raphaelites - Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt.

Pictured left is 'The Hireling Shepherd' by William Holman Hunt. (1851-52)

Natsume Soseki was deeply influenced by the themes and thought processes at work in this image.


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Yukio Mishima - photo
YUKIO MISHIMA (1925—1970)
is a Japanese author, poet, playwright and actor famed for staging a military coup attempt with his private army which ended in his spectular suicide - a defining event for Japanese of age in 1970.

Here is an entry on Yukio Mishima from Wikipedia.

Natsume Soseki

NATSUME SOSEKI (1867—1916) is Japan’s most revered author, whose works continue to attract vast quantities of critical scrutiny and debate. His influence, both on contemporary Japanese authors and throughout East Asia and beyond, has been immense.

Here is an entry on Natsume Soseki from Wikipedia.

Endō Shusaku  (遠藤 周作) March 27, 1923—September 29, 1996, was a renowned 20th Century Japanese author who wrote from the unique perspective of a Japanese Catholic.

Here is an entry on Endo Shusaku from Wikipedia.
Link to Wikipedia's page on Japanese Literature

Karen McCann

Animator and web designer

Author of Pre-Animate!

(A Guidebook for Independent Animators)
. And this is Karen McCann's personal page.
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PO Publisher Peter Owen
...Reaktion Books logo
Publisher  Reaktion Books
Kyoto Journal
Kyoto Journal - KJ's stated objective is to present thought-provoking perspectives from Asia.

©2017 Email: info@damianflanagan.com
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